Friday, 9 December 2011

FRIDAY FICTIONEERS - 9 of Dec - DAY 27, STATION ZERO, PLANET 9 - My 100 words - from Linda Palund

Day 27, Station Zero, Planet 9

         We haven’t even been here a month and already three of our replicators have broken down.  We only have the portable left, and it’s slow as hell.
         Replicating food has been the highlight of our days at Station Zero. We’re still waiting for the construction team to finish the hydroponic wing and the labs, but until then, we stay huddled in the warmest part of the station, while Brent fixes the replicators and I monitor the generators.
         Brent thinks that fat molecules are the problem, so there will be no more bacon for breakfast.        


  1. Ha! I loved this, very sci/fi feel to it :) I saw where I had another wrong link on my site to yours and just fixed it, in the comment I'd moved to the story page early this morning.

  2. Cool sci-fi... memories of IceStation Zebra, The Thing, et al... but the fat molecules are your own — you even put stranded antarctic scientists on a diet!

  3. Ha Carlos,
    Glad you enjoyed that tidbit, cause its the last one you'll get!
    In the fat molecule world...I mean...

  4. BACON!! Darn fat cells, that's disappointing.

  5. NO MORE BACON?! No more reason to live... I love the scifi twist you put on this week's offering.

  6. Thanks, Susan. I have a scifi heart!

  7. Awesome! Replicators and generators! Excellent imagination~
